Friday 19 March 2010

Getting To Know You...

We managed to tear The Gift and The Glory actors away from their hectic rehearsal schedule to answer a few burning questions...

Noel White- Tom

Have you experienced any outdoor incidents or misadventures in the past?

I went skinny dipping in a strangley quiet bay near Marseille while on a trip with a mate over 20 years ago, only to discover we were splashing about near the outlet of a sewage pipe! The moment of realisation that the warmth of the water was entirely man-made haunts me still.

In the early 90s my boyfriend at the time was a Derbyshire lad whow was into rockclimbing. He
took me up to Black Rocks in the Peak District, harnessed me up and tried to get me to climb an 'easy' stretch about four times my height. Half-way up I got completely freaked out and scared, threw a total tantrum and had to be hauled up to the top because I was too scared to do any actual climbing! [Nicky]

When teaching briefly, I took a group of children to an outdoor pursuits centre at Buckden in Yorkshire. Trying to encourage, I threw myself into abseiling- only to descend in jerks into the path of a mini-waterfall - to the cheers of the kids and other teachers at the top! [Anne]

My dog attacked a sheep and I had to rescue it (the sheep, not the dog). [Jim]

Jim Kitson- Jed

Do you have a favourite place in The Lakes?

I worked at the Theatre by The Lake in Keswick recently and for the first time experienced and therefore understood the appeal of fell walking. Standing on Latrigg in two feet of snow with Derwent Water and the North Lakes stretching out before me makes it my favourite place. [Noel]

Ullswater is fantastic- I had only ever driven through The Lakes, before managing to spend a weekend there. Fantastic! [Anne]

If you could go back in time 20 years and offer your character any advice, what would it be and why?

Have more sex while you're dries up. [Jim]

In the words of 'Hey Jude,' "Don't carry the world upon your shoulders." [Anne]

Are there any similarities between yourself and the character you play?

Irreverance and humour as a default position; constant fear of impending old-age! [Nicky]

I'm fortunate to have a few friends I have known most of my life so can recognise the verbal shorthand that Tom and Jed share. Tom is more organised and emotionally steady than me. [Noel]

Too many. [Jim]

A tendency to think I've got to keep smiling in the face of disaster! [Anne]

Nicky Goldie- Joy

What is your personal favourite moment in the play and why?

I like all the bits that reminded me of me- they made me laugh (mostly at myself!) [Nicky]

Singing 'I'll Fly Away'...amongst others too numerous to mention! [Anne]

Do you have any previous connection to The Dukes or Lancaster?

None, but happy to have now! [Jim]

I played Heracles in last year's Williamson Park production of Jason and The Argonauts, and returned soon after to play Slim in Of Mice and Men in the main house. [Noel]

I had a brilliant time rehearsing and playing in My Mother Said I Never Should! [Anne]

I was The Queen/Mum in the B.F.G. at The Dukes in 1900 and frozen stiff!! [Nicky]

The Gift and The Glory begins its run here at The Dukes on Wednesday 31st March at 7.30pm in The Round.

Anne Kavanagh- Lizzie

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